The Plan!!
This is a written plan presented to me by Noah yesterday morning while I was still in bed.
(Note he is supposed to bring cookies to his Valentine's party at school)
1) Everyone clean the kitchen
2) Gets the ingredients (plus food coloring, sprinkles and icing) - Hannah
3) Mixes the ingredients and food coloring (w/out the sprinkles and icing - Dad
4) Flattens the cookie dough and shapes them into hearts - Mom
5) Puts them on the tray - Clara
6) Puts them in the oven - Hannah
7) Takes them out of the oven - Dad
8) Put on the icing and sprinkles - Hannah and Clara
9) Put a cover on the cookies and put them in the fridge - Mom
10) Eat the cookies - Noah and Elijah
Hannah and Dad - sick and slept all day
Mom - school w/ Elijah and Noah, weary from a busy weekend
Clara - trying desperately to catch up on school work
Mom and dad went to Kroger to buy cookie dough. Hannah put the cookie dough in the oven and went to take a shower. Mom took cookie dough out. Noah decorated cookies and put in the fridge.
Lessons Learned
Noah is a great planner!! He learned sometimes things don't turn out exactly like we planned. We have to plan with an open hand. In the end it does all work out. While he will not be eating cookies made from scratch, he will be eating cookies.
Besides...the cookies and cupcakes pictured were prepared by my good friends Alisa at My Sweet Tooth Cupcakes and Elizabeth. Who needs to bake when you have the experts to bake!! Noah had these fabulous desserts on Saturday night!!