Then, he decided to brush his teeth. The dentist would be so proud. We do NOT have coerce this little one to brush his teeth!! Then we went to Bible Study Fellowship where he learned about baby Jesus being born AND he got to play on the playground.
Finally, we got a DVR box....big time technology for a family who hasn't had cable TV for twelve years. As we were playing with our new box, we found a free on demand Exercise channel. We clicked on a cardio workout and away the kids went. In the end, we had to say it's time for bed...they might have exercised all night.
It was a full day for our little man!!!
Sounds like a full day! :-)
The pictures of the kids exercising are great!
I love seeing your kids. I remember when Hannah and Clara were that young. Goes fast...can't believe I have two of my own now! :) Glad to keep up with your life on here. Hope to see you in person again someday soon. How bout a vacation to Hawaii?? Love you guys. Jen
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