Tuesday, November 29, 2005


A couple of weeks ago we had the opportunity to attend the 85th birthday celebration for Mrs. Clara Bridwell, known to our family as Mama Clara.

Mama Clara is the last surviving grandparent for either Diane or me. She is Diane's dad's mother. Our daughter Clara is named after her.

Mama Clara now lives in an assisted living center in Jackson, Mississippi. Her five children hosted a party there in honor of her birthday and there were literally dozens of family and friends in attendance. It became very obvious through the words spoken about her that she is loved and respected by all.

I remember attending another birthday party for Mama Clara several years ago. At this party she read a letter she had written to her family. In it, she said that the greatest present she could ever get was for all of her children and their families to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Diane puts it best...she is like a strong oak tree, the strength of the family. Happy Birthday Mama Clara!

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